The initiative of the mission of the Four Pillar Doctrine has moved away from the mission related temples to the world stage and this is as predicted by the lord saint that his mission will spread far and wide. Mission is beyond temples and the agenda of man. Man may not be ready but Heaven is. Man will not be ready as man is bogged down by face value and social agenda. Man goes for the here and now and man's needs in the immediate social milieu. The near at mission related temples may be near yet far and the far away from the mission related temples may not remain far for long. They will be near and dear to Heaven. Go for the temple of God with the sky as the roof and religions as its pillars. It is difficult for a temple of concrete or wood to rise to the needs of the mission and such a temple at best can only be a temple of man, not of God and saint.
Another Bo Tien Mission initiative launched on 5th May 2012 by Inner Truth Netizen 2 and it is independent of any organisation or temple

Thursday, December 13, 2012
The lord saint predicted that His image would crack in 20 years from 1980
Mission History and News No 18
In 1980, the lord saint Lord Bo Tien came down to deliver His message at the old Woodlands premise and the image before him was a one metre wooden image that had just been installed a year or two earlier, either in 1979 or 1978. The image was not colored except for the golden armour and was similar to that portrayed in this blogsite.
The following paragraph comes from the 1980 message. Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien
The following paragraph comes from the 1980 message. Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien
"Boss (Lord Bo
Tien) stressed that though this Image is important to us, it is important to
Him, because it signifies such great importance in the facts of life and mission
we are to carry out. Although the Image is made of wood, in 20 years time it
will crack. This is not important, the important factor is that men will be able
to grasp its significance and put it into practice. Thus there is no permanency
in life. To live is suffering, but do not forget that after a storm there is a
calm. There is sorrow, there is happiness. There is pain, there is joy. That is
not important for the soul is the purest of them all. For our purpose in life is
to care for our soul not the wealth and status we will attain during this
What is important is the significance behind the image. The image reflected the facts of life. There was no permanency and in 20 years from 1980, it would crack.
This the lord saint said but this statement on 20 years was deleted from the later version of the 1980 message in the year 2000 publication LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE by Bo Tien Temple Singapore.
The earlier version of the 1980 message was published by the late Senior Brother Chong Sim in his first draft book My Interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES. Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien
Chong Sim wrote the draft book in the last few months of his terminal illness and had the intention of writing the draft so that the final version would be named LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE. He obtained photocopies of the historical scripts of nine of the lord saints messages from Peter Kong and wrote his understanding based on the messages and from his long association with the lord saint. But he was too sick to bind the 108 copies and had to depend on a lady colleague to bind it. Ten copies were sent from Kedah to Singapore.
During his last admission to hospital at Singapore, he called Elder Ling and Peter Kong to his hospital bedside and shared with them that they should treasure time, should do more for the mission of the saint. Unlike them, time was not in his favor. He said that both Elder Ling and Peter should be more serious in undertaking the mission and he regretted for not contributing enough in the past.
Only in the wee hours of his life when he was in pain that he was able to write his draft book. He advised both of them to be more serious in mission. Upon his return to Kedah, not long after that, he passed away on the eve of the anniversary of Lord Bo Tien's mission day. Though weakened by cancer, he dressed in white after his wife bathed him and after praying to the lord saint, he passed on.
Whilst his draft book mentioned that 20 years from 1980, the image of the lord saint would crack, the mention of 20 years time frame for it to crack was somehow omitted in the year 2000 publication LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE by Bo Tien Temple Singapore. Why this came about may perhaps have to do with the person/s who edited the message. They might have felt uneasy with the accuracy of the prediction. The motive for this is obviously a very human one and no one will ever know.
During his last admission to hospital at Singapore, he called Elder Ling and Peter Kong to his hospital bedside and shared with them that they should treasure time, should do more for the mission of the saint. Unlike them, time was not in his favor. He said that both Elder Ling and Peter should be more serious in undertaking the mission and he regretted for not contributing enough in the past.
Only in the wee hours of his life when he was in pain that he was able to write his draft book. He advised both of them to be more serious in mission. Upon his return to Kedah, not long after that, he passed away on the eve of the anniversary of Lord Bo Tien's mission day. Though weakened by cancer, he dressed in white after his wife bathed him and after praying to the lord saint, he passed on.
Whilst his draft book mentioned that 20 years from 1980, the image of the lord saint would crack, the mention of 20 years time frame for it to crack was somehow omitted in the year 2000 publication LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE by Bo Tien Temple Singapore. Why this came about may perhaps have to do with the person/s who edited the message. They might have felt uneasy with the accuracy of the prediction. The motive for this is obviously a very human one and no one will ever know.
True to the word the image did crack in year 2000 before the Singapore temple moved over to Jurong in 2003. The happening of the crack in base of the image occured in the same year as the publication of the book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE and this is more than coincidence.
After Elder Ling stepped down as President in 2004, the temple found the crack at the base of the image inauspicious and disposed it by burning and replacing it with a new and better looking one despite respecting every word of what the lord saint said in the 1980 message.
After Elder Ling stepped down as President in 2004, the temple found the crack at the base of the image inauspicious and disposed it by burning and replacing it with a new and better looking one despite respecting every word of what the lord saint said in the 1980 message.
"Although the Image is made of wood, in 20 years time it will crack. This is not important, the important factor is that men will be able to grasp its significance and put it into practice."
The importance is the doctrine and mission depicted by the image and the image too echoes the nature of life such as impermanence and the dualities of life - happiness and sorrow, calm and storm, wholesomeness and decay (crack). What is important is not the transitory worldly beauty but the more lasting beauty of the soul. We should go for purity and wisdom to enhance the spirit or soul of life.
As with regards to the image of the lord saint, what is important is the beauty and wholeness of the doctrine it stands for and not the physical beauty and intactness of the wooden image. As like all of nature, it is subject to impermanence and will crack with time but the lord saint was even exact in saying that in 20 years time from 1980, that is in year 2000, the image would crack and the image did crack at its base. Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien
As with regards to the image of the lord saint, what is important is the beauty and wholeness of the doctrine it stands for and not the physical beauty and intactness of the wooden image. As like all of nature, it is subject to impermanence and will crack with time but the lord saint was even exact in saying that in 20 years time from 1980, that is in year 2000, the image would crack and the image did crack at its base. Historical version of the 1980 anniversary message of Lord Bo Tien
In 1980, the lord saint said, "... Although the Image is made of wood, in 20 years time it will crack. This is not important, the important factor is that men will be able to grasp its significance and put it into practice. Thus there is no permanency in life. To live is suffering, but do not forget that after a storm there is a calm. There is sorrow, there is happiness. There is pain, there is joy. That is not important for the soul is the purest of them all. For our purpose in life is to care for our soul not the wealth and status we will attain during this lifetime."
The lord saint predicted that His image would crack in 20 years from 1980 but His advice on the significance of this somehow fell on deaf ears because people were more keen to adore Him than to grasp the doctrine He and His image stand for. They burnt His image and replaced it with a new one.
As the image depicts the doctrine and the doctrine is in the image, this perhaps would be equivalent to the sidelining of the doctrine. In 1983, the lord saint said the doctrine would be returned to Heaven if not valued as the primary concern of the mission. Historical version of the 1983 message of Lord Bo Tien...
Likewise it is not important if our body 'cracks' with time but it is more important that we embody the doctrine and practise it so that it will enrich, heal and and strengthen our spirit. No point having a new body or image be it for the image at the temple shrine or for the body which others see as us. The new image or body too will be subject to the laws of nature.
Chong Sim understood that and wanted Peter and Elder Ling to know and do better. Elder Ling had stepped down as President in 2004 and after physically leaving the temple, his understanding and grasp of the doctrine has improved exponentially whilst many of those still at temple have not because they go more for the face value or image and not the doctrine. The mission is a doctrine mission and all must know that.
Thus Elder Ling is a fine example when the lord saint said that the far may be near and the near may be far. Elder Ling since 2004, unlike others appears far from temple but is near because the doctrine is in him. Remember to grasp the doctrine in the image for the image is the doctrine. This too did Lord Bo Tien say.
As the image depicts the doctrine and the doctrine is in the image, this perhaps would be equivalent to the sidelining of the doctrine. In 1983, the lord saint said the doctrine would be returned to Heaven if not valued as the primary concern of the mission. Historical version of the 1983 message of Lord Bo Tien...
Likewise it is not important if our body 'cracks' with time but it is more important that we embody the doctrine and practise it so that it will enrich, heal and and strengthen our spirit. No point having a new body or image be it for the image at the temple shrine or for the body which others see as us. The new image or body too will be subject to the laws of nature.
Chong Sim understood that and wanted Peter and Elder Ling to know and do better. Elder Ling had stepped down as President in 2004 and after physically leaving the temple, his understanding and grasp of the doctrine has improved exponentially whilst many of those still at temple have not because they go more for the face value or image and not the doctrine. The mission is a doctrine mission and all must know that.
Thus Elder Ling is a fine example when the lord saint said that the far may be near and the near may be far. Elder Ling since 2004, unlike others appears far from temple but is near because the doctrine is in him. Remember to grasp the doctrine in the image for the image is the doctrine. This too did Lord Bo Tien say.
That what form the mission should take and that whatever the form may be, the doctrine should take centre stage. This should be clear and indisputable. Elder Ling is adamant on this. The mission is the doctrine with welfare as part of the thrust for doctrine. The mission is the temple and the mission is one under the umbrella of temple. All welfare activities as decreed by the lord saint should be under the temple with one common logo that was sanctioned by him.
If Elder Ling has his way, there is no place for two separate logos, one for temple and one for welfare as the mission is one in doctrine. Welfare is a mere aspect of the doctrine and the predominant emphasis of doctrine is oneness in God and saving of souls through all religions.
If there be two separate bodies one for temple and one for welfare, then there is crack in the image of the mission and this is more serious than the crack in the wooden image of the lord saint. Even then this should come as no surprise as impermanence is pervasive in the world we live in.
What to do when men are never perfect and the world we live in, being eternally part of nature however good and beautiful will not be as good or perfect as what is in Heaven. This too did Lord Bo Tien say.
But if the not-so-ideal or far-from-ideal step has been taken, we should not be taken aback but should sit back and reconcile with the imperfection of man. Afterall, man is always man.
The imperfection of man is such that they see the mission not as doctrine mission but as a welfare mission based on loving kindness and compassion but they tend to be myopic and not see the long term view of the mission to enhance and save souls. For the latter may appear remote and not real to them.
The 'crack' in perception of what is the mission may explain why the lord saint reiterated that the mission is the Mission of Heaven and not the Mission of Man. But with proper alignment the two can be one. That will be the day.
Incidentally, the government would have relocated the mission related temple to a common premise with three other Chinese temples had it not been for it's having under its fold the welfare activities. Only Elder Ling lives today (2012) to share this grim reminder.
He was the prime architect to ensure that the temple and the mission it represents remains as an entity in its own right and not 'amalgamated' with other temples. That is why he is the unpolished diamond the lord saint refers to.
He was the prime architect to ensure that the temple and the mission it represents remains as an entity in its own right and not 'amalgamated' with other temples. That is why he is the unpolished diamond the lord saint refers to.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The legacy of Mou Chi Sun
Mission History and News No 17
The early years of the temple or mission in Singapore were intertwined with stories of the presence of the military or 'boo' assistant of Lord Bo Tien.
He is the silent one and unlike his counterpart the doctrine or 'boon' assistant of the lord saint, his name or honorific Mou Chi Sun was made known to the pioneers. He was and still is the no-nonsense divinity who always came down with austere face and crossed forearms in front of his chest. He often stood and flipped himself backwards in the air 360 degrees to be back on his feet with his characteristic standing and stunning pose with crossed forearms.
Many remember him as the one who acted and punished but inner truth netizen is of the opinion that he did not and does not punish but he taught and teaches through events in life. His modus operandi was and is through actions and events. He came down with the lord saint and actively made known his presence only from before 1970 to perhaps 1980 or a year or two later. His name is Mou Chi Sun.
On hindsight, he was the one who carried out the setting up of the mission amongst men. He made sure that men knew that the lord saint is not the medium and the medium is not the saint.
He paved the way for the doctrine to be passed down to men by his doctrine counterpart and the lord saint himself. Men could have easily mistaken what were said through the medium as that imagined or concocted by the medium. There was the danger of confusion and men might think that the lord saint is fictitious and not believable, more so when they judge the character of the medium who was after all every inch a man however good he seemed to be. This was especially more so in the early years when the men were not so receptive to doctrine and philosophy. (Alas, this may still be true today..... )
The late medium himself was no exception and often he too had his doubts of the lord saint despite the manifest presence of Mou Chi Sun. So as the silent one and effector par excellence, he acted and people reacted. Often it was Mou Chi Sun who undid what happened to them, the moment they woke up and amended their ways. They ended up having more faith and becoming better men who improved by many steps in purity of the heart. Action truly spoke louder than words.
Through such incidents, the divine silent one demonstrated the unmistakable reality of Lord Bo Tien and made many an erring member toe the line. But when the doctrine and messages were passed down, the lord saint did stress that doctrine is paramount and those who understand the doctrine understand and know what He stands for. Thereafter the silent one stayed in the background to give free play for the doctrines amongst men. But more often than not when men are given the free will and left to their fancies, many do not live in the doctrine and allow themselves to be led by doctrine. They end up going for what they would like to achieve in the society of men but which they could not.
The legacy of Mou Chi Sun is that he demonstrated that Lord Bo Tien is for real and not the concoction of men. The doctrine mission like the lord saint too is real and here to stay and reach out like the ocean to many a land. Men must spare no effort to make the doctrine common to all religions come to life in life so as to subdue the base nature and flaws of man.
By knowing that the lord saint is not the medium and the medium is but a man will spur men to believe in God and saints, not just Lord Bo Tien. Mou Chi San had seen to this end but with the doctrine once more made known by the lord saint though buried in the archives of religions over the centuries, men especially those in Bo Tien related temples must now know what they need to know and they must do what need be done.
No need for the stick as God has trust in the innate goodness of men. The doctrine is the carrot to bring goodness to all men --- the doctrine that all religions in the four cardinal directions are the varied ways to save the souls of men and bring men to God. Thus the doctrine is the inner truth behind religions and in early days it was referred to as The Four Pillar Doctrine. Religions are the pillars in the four cardinal directions. The universe or world is the house or temple of God and saints. The sky or Heaven is the roof.
Truth is as simple as that but men distracted by the many intricacies complexities and issues of men see not the simple truth of oneness of God amongst the various religions and sects. They think that they have to get a Doctor of Philosophy in theology and religion before they can know God and be saved.
No one would believe in Lord Bo Tien as the messenger of GOD for the Four Pillar Doctrine unless they know the lord saint is not the medium and the medium is not the saint. Mou Chi Sun had done his part well and had left behind his legacy. His legacy will live on.
Friday, November 30, 2012
The problems before 2004 and impact on mission after 2004
Mission History and News No 16
Lack of a permanent premise for the temple resulted in temple changing locations in the years before 2004. These were the years of uncertainty and adversity and people with different viewpoints worked as one in the face of adversity. They were then more willing to stand behind Elder Ling even if they were at different wavelengths from one another and with him .
While still occupying temporary premise at Woodlands, at the instruction of the lord saint, the shrine in dilapidated hut gave way to an aged home. The shrine moved out to open space with awning. Later the aged home had to vacate the delipidated hut due to collapsing roof and the residents of the free home moved out to two new dormitories built in haste with one for male and the other for female. Due to informal and lack of wider legal status with restrictions by authorities, it could not only have 22 inmates at the delipidated hut and 32 at the new dormitories. The number of inmates was small and at one stage, the authorities wanted to close the home by moving out all the inmates to other bigger homes.
This was agreed as inevitable but Elder Ling stood firm and the authorities relented and the home had survived since. This is the type of leadership that the mission of Lord Bo Tien badly needed and still do need. But many do wish the good elder could be more appealing in his ways.
Donations in kind poured in to the temple to sustain the aged home and as there were more rations and foodstuff than needed by the small aged home, they were distributed to other charities with the able leadership of Alfred Toh, initially only to the destitutes in community at Kreta Ayer and Outram under the care of one notable nurse Queenie Tan. Brother Jerfrey Kong Ming Er was a great help to Alfred in the ground work. Soon Alfred Toh spearheaded the distribution of food and rations to more of the needy in society under the Mutual Help and Care of the Temple. With time and with encouragement of the authorities, the temple went into starting a noteworthy day care center at Pending Road. The three worthy initiatives were under the umbrella of the temple and became the welfare wing of the temple.
It must be stressed once more that had it not been for insistence, the able leadership and firm hand of Elder Ling, there would have been no longer an aged home and without an Aged Home, the donations in kind would have dwindled and there would be no more sustainable Mutual Help and Care.
In a year before 2000, the welfare wing was ceded from the temple and this according to Elder Ling was unwise and might have worked contrary to the direction of the Mission of the lord saint. The welfare services notably the distribution of provisions to needy in society won acclaim and socio-political good standing. It was only natural to many that the welfare wing came free from the temple entity. It was easier to be accepted and assimilated as the welfare society rather than as a temple in community and grass root circles
This was and is good but leaves the temple with limited functions such as ownership of the premises as well as administrative maintenance of the temple premises, providing free vegetarian lunch on new and full moon days to public and the handful of main celebrations - Vesak, Goddess of Mercy birthday celebration and Lord Bo Tien anniversary celebration, not forgetting Chinese New Year and also Christmas.
But this may not be the true picture as the likes of C.K. Tay knew more need be done for doctrine and they will leave no stone unturned to achieve this. That is for sure but they need and welcome others to join hands with them.
The welfare services were and are always accessory parts of the temple mission. The mission is primarily to save souls and saving souls go beyond just the very finite and local good deeds like charitable activities for community in Singapore. There is need to go global with the doctrine.
The best good deed is the gift of Truth and in 1983, Lord Bo Tien said that in time his shrine and the doctrine of Four Pillars will spread far and wide beyond Singapore. (Do read Historical version of the 1983 message of
Lord Bo Tien ...)
His Mission is not just charity activities but mind you, it is a doctrine mission to the world and all realms. But the preoccupation with the finite and local community welfare services and the limited manpower mean that the divine ideals of the mission would have to wait for more opportune time and for people to be doctrine inclined and for those others who are more spiritually doctrinally inclined to come by.
There is no concern that people will fall out of doctrine mission as the lord saint said that people will return to the doctrine mission one day as the strong wind that continues to blow people away (from focus on doctrine mission) will have to stop one day. This was alluded to in the 1984 message of Lord Bo Tien. Historical version of 1984 birthday eve
message of Lord Bo Tien Chor Choo at Philip's residence...
The problems of the aged home were so successfully managed before 2004 by Elder Ling such that it came as no surprise that this escalated the welfare wing to be separate entity in 1997 and even had its own logo in 2011. As they years passed by after 2004 that welfare society became increasingly more independent entity and more prominent than the temple. This is an achievement of sorts and applaud-able by society at large but may not work out in the overall long term interest of the doctrine mission of the lord saint as stated clearly by his lordship in 1983. (Do read Historical version of the 1983 message of Lord Bo Tien ...)
In 1984, the lord saint assured that this strong wind of human preferences (relegating divine doctrine mission to sideline) is only temporary and any strong wind will stop one day and people will return to the mission proper - the doctrine mission. Is there need for concern? The answer is both 'yes' and 'no'. It depends on your expectations or to put it succinctly where you stand as of now. Cheers and what next? God knows.
In 1984, the lord saint assured that this strong wind of human preferences (relegating divine doctrine mission to sideline) is only temporary and any strong wind will stop one day and people will return to the mission proper - the doctrine mission. Is there need for concern? The answer is both 'yes' and 'no'. It depends on your expectations or to put it succinctly where you stand as of now. Cheers and what next? God knows.
Alas, we need to accept that there is no way to do away with the strong wind of sectoral human preferences and its likely repeated recurrences over time, for after all human beings are usually not perfect and human beings are human beings after all. These preferences can be varied and many, perhaps even divisive. This is a reality. Let all men accept this, live with it and be at peace.
But men must always be mindful that divine choice of doctrine mission has to be in the forefront and not be relegated to back yard, back burner or worse still oblivion. This of course was not as significant issue as some would portray. Even if it was or is so, the lord saint in 1984 reassured that any strong wind will not blow forever and men will return to doctrine mission with more zest than ever before. The saint is like the great ocean and no amount of human shortcomings would affect His doctrine mission.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Senior Bro Chong Sim, we salute you
Mission History and News No 15
* cross reference Historical
version of the 1983 message of Lord Bo Tien ...
In the first draft of his book "My interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES (Tou-li)" the late Senior Bro Tay Chong Sim said in the undated preface of the book,
In Lord Bo Tien's 1983* Birthday Message, He said,"His Doctrines (Tou-li) are for the teaching and guidance of His followers and if not understood, is like throwing them into the drain. If the followers still cannot understand the Doctrine, then when it rains, it means that Heaven is crying in pity for those not understanding His teachings." It will therefore be a great pity and loss to us if we have His Doctrine but cannot appreciate the wisdom that were indicated to us. Fortunately, I managed to obtain nine years of Lord Bo Tien's Birthday Messages from Pete Kong and was greatly impressed by the simple but yet very profound teaching given by Him. I had not been at all active in helping to promote interests and activities in both the temples in Sitiawan and in Singapore. I admired greatly the wondrous efforts and achievements carried out by members of both the temples and always had the feeling of being a spectator. Thus I wanted to find out in what way I could play a part in His Mission. I tried to interpret His Messages into a "structured" form over the last few years without any success. Only when Ling and Pete encouraged me to interpret and compile His Birthday Messages after my surgical operation, was I able to proceed under inspired but very trying condition. The compiled draft interpretation is to be edited with amendments, modifications, expansion of sections and so forth by the Management Committee so that the updated version, to be called "LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE" will be the corrected accepted version. The printing of this draft is limited to 108 copies. It is meant as a record which enables me to share my experience with those with similar interests.
The draft book was written in the few months before his passing away from terminal illness and little did inner truth netizen know that the book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE published in year 2000 was the culmination of the efforts of Chong Sim. He is my elder cousin, the Kedah State civil engineer (Malaysia) and a distinguished Commonwealth Colombo Plan Scholar at Australia. He is well remembered by members at both mission related temples - Sitiawan and Singapore.
Without the first draft book "My interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES (Tou-li)" by the late Senior Bro Tay Chong Sim, there will be no LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE. The latter enabled and continues to enable followers of the lord saint to have a record of His messages and teachings but more importantly it enabled inner truth netizen to launch the w.w.w. internet thrust to disseminate the messages and teachings of Lord Bo Tien globally through the Living Life Series.
In the Historical version of Bo Tien Chor Choo's 1978 Anniversary Message... LORD BO TIEN said that His Image, His Doctrine of Four Pillars and His shrine would spread far and wide. Senior Bro Chong Sim had kicked start the mission into reality by putting together the messages and penning his thoughts in thev first draft of his book which he named as "My interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES (Tou-li)" from which arose the year 2000 publication LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE the title of which was as he had suggested and requested.
In the Historical version of Bo Tien Chor Choo's 1978 Anniversary Message... LORD BO TIEN said that His Image, His Doctrine of Four Pillars and His shrine would spread far and wide. Senior Bro Chong Sim had kicked start the mission into reality by putting together the messages and penning his thoughts in thev first draft of his book which he named as "My interpretation of LORD BO TIEN'S MESSAGES (Tou-li)" from which arose the year 2000 publication LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE the title of which was as he had suggested and requested.
Senior Brother Chong Sim, we salute you always and ever more. Your humble cousin, inner truth netizen, misses you and will write a series of posts to review your draft and will make available on w.w.w.where appropriate the many insigthful interpretations you made which were, like it or not, somehow not included in the year 2000 book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE. They will be posted in series 2 and listed below as and when they are posted. Omitofo and God bless.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The eventful post 2004 era
Mission History and News No 14
The Mission of Lord Bo Tien is to globalise the Four Pillar Doctrine. The following is the report card for the mission :
1) Elder Ling was replaced as Chairman at Singapore connection at AGM in 2004
2) There was the burning of the shrine image in immediate post 2004 period instead of preserving it for keepsake at the museum at the top of the temple
3) There was the separation of welfare wing from temple as entity of its own in 2010 /2011
4) 22nd March 2012: Elder Ling's membership revoked at Singapore connection and on 23rd, the next day, a notice of the removal was put up at two notice boards.
5) 24th March 2012: Elder Ling's trusteeship termination process instituted at Singapore connection
6) Doctrinal mission as emphasized by lord saint in 1978 message is still lacklustre and lags far behind other good deeds like gift of rations and food at festivals, full moon and new moon days. Followers are more concerned with local personal and social agenda. The foray by inner truth netizen is still not enough for doctrinal mission. Lord Bo Tien is like the flower and many come to him for the nectar of blessings instead of learning, practising and sharing the flower of doctrine with the world.
7) The persistent absence of effective spiritual council of elders to drive doctrinal mission is the main cause for item (6). This will be a setback but should not hold back the doctrinal mission as only a handful of good men needed to do so. This was reiterated by the lord saint Lord Bo Tien. Living Life Series is an example that even one or two can effect the doctrinal mission but more would be even better.
This discussion article The eventful post 2004 era touches in detail on some of the above as the others have been covered elsewhere. The discussion is based on the messages of Lord Bo Tien in particular the 1978 message, the historical version. Historical version of Bo Tien Chor Choo's 1978 Anniversary Message... as in the book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE published by Bo Tien Temple at Singapore.
![]() |
Elder Ling Diung Kwong |
This happened on the 22nd March 2012 and two days later on 24th at the annual general meeting of the mission-related temple in Singapore, the said mission-related temple management lost no time in taking steps to remove him from trusteeship. They could not accept his unpolished ways that even the lord saint in the early years of the mission did comment on when the lord saint described him as the unpolished diamond. There were of course the usual run of mill triggering events that seemed trivial but became big issues and bones of of contention. All boils down to the ego-driven nature of men and lack of doctrine-centricity. Even followers of any saint will be not be spared from such folly.
Elder Ling is undoubtedly an elder and he has his strengths and shortcomings but should still be accorded blanket respect as per the sixth of seven universal precepts the lord saint Lord Bo Tien put in place for those in the mission and this includes all mission-related temples. But in the meritocratic mundane world, only finite few would respect elders and there will be no shortage of those who will lose no time to move them out of their way. (For precepts, go to Messages before 1974)
He was not returned to chairmanship at the 2004 annual general meeting as for the first time in many years, there was another candidate vying for the post. This was expected as change had to be and was long time in the offing and it was even regarded as refreshing change by many including inner truth netizen.
Before 2004 and in the preceding many previous years before the successful culmination, completion and flowering of the concrete premises, there was no others willing to be named for nomination and he was undoubtedly and repeatedly the sole nominee and even then the members present had to consult the lord saint through usual divination blocks for divine assent before he could be coerced to take on the nomination and the job.
Like it or not, in those days and years, no one other than Elder Ling could hold the fort and handle the odds. No one other than the elder could go against the current and get things done. Of course, he is no lone ranger but headed a team but with him at the helm, every hurdle was surmountable.
But not all will agree for men may differ in perspectives of history and precepts. Some may think that history and precepts can be put aside or worst still rewritten. The latter is the very reason why there will always be new sects in any religion and new schools and temples in any sect. God gives leeway and freewill but men must bear the consequences. It is a matter of perception, preferences, discretion or what have you.
Notwithstanding the outcome in 2004 and his subsequently being berated for his unpolished ways, Elder Ling never ever gave up and continued to take hands on ground interests in mission related activities but many (or at least some) find him irritating and his ways and views did not go down well with them, more so when in the last two years 2011 to 2012, he wanted to publish the history of the mission with contents that were viewed personal and thus objectionable.
This history of mission which the lord saint wanted him to write has however not even materialised since the draft in late 2010 or early 2011 was made available for the finite relevant few for comments. (Do note that mention by the lord saint of the need for Ling to write the mission history can found in line 5 of last para on page 30 of book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE published by Bo Tien Temple Singapore in year 2000 in context of the 1981 message of Lord Bo Tien)
This history of mission which the lord saint wanted him to write has however not even materialised since the draft in late 2010 or early 2011 was made available for the finite relevant few for comments. (Do note that mention by the lord saint of the need for Ling to write the mission history can found in line 5 of last para on page 30 of book LORD BO TIEN'S GUIDANCE published by Bo Tien Temple Singapore in year 2000 in context of the 1981 message of Lord Bo Tien)
Elder Ling shoulders on and has not wavered as the mission head for the mission of Lord Bo Tien. The lord had appointed and anointed him and despite his being heavy with age (he is 76 plus in 2012), he is not one who will waiver in the mission to introduce the doctrine of the Four Pillars to the world. For more of the latter, go to Historical version of Bo
Tien Chor Choo's 1978 Anniversary Message... and the list of review articles and posts mentioned therein.
Please do remember that the lord saint did remind time and again that the issues of men are many and plentiful and that no one is complete and wholesome. The far may be near and the near may be far. In fact, ultimately all are both near and far to God and saints. This is the truth and the very nature of life and society at large.
A Bo Tien mission-related temple is no exception and is perhaps why the lord saint chose a man of the likes of the retired senior police officer (Elder Ling) to police matters at worldly level for the mission since its divine inception decades ago before the 1970s. But please remember to go for saint and not for man and that the saint is the doctrine and the doctrine is the saint as what any saint would like us to know. Lord Bo Tien is no exception.
Any temple or church can carry on the correct path of God if it is doctrine driven and focused. But it must not be driven by man and the social agenda of man. Man is man and saint is saint. If men are not doctrine driven, there will be no presence of the saint or for that matter any saint in that temple. The image of that temple saint might as well be burnt to signify that the men there are not conforming and taking interest in doctrine.
The immediate post 2004 period after elder Ling left the ground scene did indeed see the burning of the main shrine lord saint's image - the very last one that was blessed by the lord saint through his intermediary the late P. Philip in the closing years at the old Woodlands premises. A better looking one was put in its place to replace the old one which had a crack in wooden base but the lord saint did say any wooden image would crack over time. That the burning of image did happen was perhaps a probable ominous sign of sorts but there was a better replacement and this was the prevailing consensus then.
Despite the not-so-appropriate change on hindsight, we should however still thank God for the better replacement or what seemed to be the case then. Inner truth netizen at that point in time even came out in full support of the change and this was for a good reason that change would beckon harmony and many good years ahead. Could there be a better option ? Were there perhaps two good options? But what had been done was done and let's move on.
Any temple or church can carry on the correct path of God if it is doctrine driven and focused. But it must not be driven by man and the social agenda of man. Man is man and saint is saint. If men are not doctrine driven, there will be no presence of the saint or for that matter any saint in that temple. The image of that temple saint might as well be burnt to signify that the men there are not conforming and taking interest in doctrine.
The immediate post 2004 period after elder Ling left the ground scene did indeed see the burning of the main shrine lord saint's image - the very last one that was blessed by the lord saint through his intermediary the late P. Philip in the closing years at the old Woodlands premises. A better looking one was put in its place to replace the old one which had a crack in wooden base but the lord saint did say any wooden image would crack over time. That the burning of image did happen was perhaps a probable ominous sign of sorts but there was a better replacement and this was the prevailing consensus then.
Despite the not-so-appropriate change on hindsight, we should however still thank God for the better replacement or what seemed to be the case then. Inner truth netizen at that point in time even came out in full support of the change and this was for a good reason that change would beckon harmony and many good years ahead. Could there be a better option ? Were there perhaps two good options? But what had been done was done and let's move on.
There is indeed much to be learnt from the issues of men. Life is the living gospel. This is what the lord saint wants all to learn and come out ever the more wiser in truth and in doctrine of life. You can learn from life through whatever temple, church, religion or sect you may be in or even if none. Who is more right, we should never mind but what we learn from life and the ways of men should take centre stage in life as life is the living gospel.
Sometimes, to borrow from the teachings of Gautama Buddha, truth in life is and yet is not. It is therefore both is and is not and also neither is nor is not. The post 2004 era is eventful and yet not. It is both eventful and not. It is perhaps neither as well. Left is right and right is left. It depends on where one stands and faces. It is always not a question of who is right and wrong but how one could be more right and whole. One will never be right enough till one is a saint.
So don't be so sure that you are right and always respect the elders even if you do not see eye to eye with them. We should rejoice in the many years of good work of Elder Ling. Without the elders, there would be no organisation, temple or church and the present day people at the helm would not be where they are.
So don't be so sure that you are right and always respect the elders even if you do not see eye to eye with them. We should rejoice in the many years of good work of Elder Ling. Without the elders, there would be no organisation, temple or church and the present day people at the helm would not be where they are.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The 1978 message of Lord Bo Tien sets the direction for the mission
Mission History and News No 13
Reference Historical version of Bo Tien Chor Choo's 1978 Anniversary Message...
Reference Historical version of Bo Tien Chor Choo's 1978 Anniversary Message...
There are some historical significance of the 1978 message (the tenth anniversary or mission day message) and this post no 13 of series 3 transcribes verbatim passages from what was on pages 25 and 26 of Lord Bo Tien's Guidance published by Bo Tien mission related temple at Singapore on 6th Sept 2000. Brother Peter Kong wrote the forward for the book.
The paraphrased versions were already posted by inner truth netizen 1 some time earlier but were not the verbatim transcripts and omitted some sentences that applies more to the followers at Singapore.
This is due to oversight of the blogger. Many like the blogger sometimes have eyes but do not see or read* and many who have the anniversary messages and doctrine of Lord Bo Tien often put them on the shelf to gather dust. No wonder the lord saint did say that the far may be near and the near may be far. Blogger admitted that he is not near to the lord after all and Elder Ling would likely concur to the admission. But it is better late than never.
These omitted sentences are now reproduced below in this post:-
The paraphrased versions were already posted by inner truth netizen 1 some time earlier but were not the verbatim transcripts and omitted some sentences that applies more to the followers at Singapore.
This is due to oversight of the blogger. Many like the blogger sometimes have eyes but do not see or read* and many who have the anniversary messages and doctrine of Lord Bo Tien often put them on the shelf to gather dust. No wonder the lord saint did say that the far may be near and the near may be far. Blogger admitted that he is not near to the lord after all and Elder Ling would likely concur to the admission. But it is better late than never.
These omitted sentences are now reproduced below in this post:-
He remarked that His image was at the Temple altar throughout 365 days and yet His presence was not being felt at all. 'His Doctrine', He said, 'is my image and my image is my doctrine.' He urged them to look closer at His Doctrine and they would understand Him better. He affirmed that God Almighty personally sanctioned the setting up of the Temple and His Doctrine. Should this generation fail to fulfill His Mission, His image would be lifted up to heaven. The next generation of people or perhaps many generations to come would fulfill it. The cycle of this task would go on until a day when it would succeed.
Touching on another aspect of His responsibilities, Lord Bo Tien said that His image, His Doctrine of Four Pillars*and His shrine would spread far and wide. He emphasized, 'I am a CHOR CHOO (which in ordinary sense means Deity entrusted by God Almighty to carry out His present mission) and I represent Heaven.' He urged them to do their part to spread His Doctrine without fear of any obstacles for it was His responsibility to undo them.
The Aged Home was a good charitable deed, which they had accomplished and it was in line with His wish to have it built. Now that the Aged Home had been established, it was the time to put forward His Doctrine. He said, 'Good deeds are in many forms.' At the present place (407A Woodlands Road, Singapore), it was known that every effort put in had brought forth fruits for all to see and yet many are ignorant of His Doctrine. *The setting up of the Aged Home had seen people with many ulterior motives: some for self interest; others to gain higher status in the society while there were some not expecting any returns. He added that good deeds done in this life would be repaid instantly in the present or in future.
Do also read, The
divine resolve , The
human shortcoming in a church or temple , Did
the lord saint decree that his image be burnt if there is no doctrine mission? , The Spirit of 42nd anniversary at Bo Tien
Temple Singapore , Will
newer people be better at the mission job? and also Social agenda overriding doctrine focus will cause mission
to falter..
Friday, November 16, 2012
Calm before the storm
Mission History and News No 12
The issues of man are many and plentiful. "The arguements (issues) and reasoning of human beings are plentiful." Lord Bo Tien said in 1980 anniversary or mission day message. Lord Bo Tien's 1980 Anniversary
Message (Also in the second paragraph on page 28 of book Lord Bo Tien's Guidance published year 2000 by Bo Tien Temple Singapore)
The purpose of a temple, church or mission is to answer to the problems and issues of man so that one day man will have no problems or not affected by problems and issues even if they are there. A temple or church is where men go to find peace and blessings.
The greatest blessing is to be free from problems or not affected by problems. But the problem is that there will always be issues. The issues and problems of man are many and plentiful.
But if man has the right approach to life, man must neither run away from problems nor expect that all problems be solved.
Problems and issues are less if man has the peace of heart but if there are worldly problems, they need to attend to them before they can find peace. Heaven will help but if Heaven continues to do so indefinitely, the boon of divine help may prove to be a bane.
Why? Man will always find and create more issues. When man gets what he wants, he is happy and calm. The calm is only for awhile as there will follow a storm of problems and more storms to come. This is because man often fails to understand the true nature of life. He has clinging and ignorant of why he seems to have endless problems and issues.
This failure to understand the true nature of life applies to man as individual and man as a temple.
A temple or church is made up of people. When people struggled to put up a temple or church, there are obstacles to overcome, but their hearts are united by a common cause. They put aside their differences to build a temple or church. Once they succeed, everything appears well and calm.
But men being men will ever be men. The issues of men are many and plentiful. Men will turn against fellow men. They will find issues with fellow men in a temple or church and the calm will soon be followed by a storm.
A temple that men succeed in building will be jubilant and then calm sets in but there will always be calm before a storm. The storm is when man turns against man once a temple is built. This will destroy the temple that is ultimately made up of people and not concrete. That would be pathetic.
God knows but often man does not seem to know and create storm after storm, more so when the temple of brick and cement is built. It is no easy task to build a temple of brick and cement but the real temple is manifold more difficult to build.
Lord Bo Tien said in relation to his temple that the sky is the roof of the temple. Lord Bo Tien's 1983 Anniversary Message.
A temple has to do with doctrine and "if not understood, it would be a pity". "His teachings were not meant to complicate matters for his followers. He reiterated that no one should judge or criticise another but his followers should lead or advise the other party to understand the temple doctrine." (Extract from pages 31 and 32 of book Lord Bo Tien's Guidance published in year 2000 by Bo Tien Temple Singapore)
Only then will there be a temple of men under the sky or heaven. Otherwise there will always be calm before storm. This is because they have not understood the doctrine. "Heaven cries in pity for those who have not understood the doctrine" This the emissary of the lord saint said in 1983.
The real temple is a temple of people imbued with doctrine, not that of a temple of concrete. Men clamours to wrest control of a temple or church once it is built and ostracise others in the process. This is because of lack of grasp of doctrine. Thus there will always be more sects set up in any religion and more temples or churches in just one locality. These are however temples or churches of bricks and concrete but the true temple or church of the hearts of people often remains elusive.
Lord Bo Tien said in relation to his temple that the sky is the roof of the temple. Lord Bo Tien's 1983 Anniversary Message.
A temple has to do with doctrine and "if not understood, it would be a pity". "His teachings were not meant to complicate matters for his followers. He reiterated that no one should judge or criticise another but his followers should lead or advise the other party to understand the temple doctrine." (Extract from pages 31 and 32 of book Lord Bo Tien's Guidance published in year 2000 by Bo Tien Temple Singapore)
Only then will there be a temple of men under the sky or heaven. Otherwise there will always be calm before storm. This is because they have not understood the doctrine. "Heaven cries in pity for those who have not understood the doctrine" This the emissary of the lord saint said in 1983.
Monday, November 12, 2012
What God put together, let no man take apart
Mission History and News No 11
The divine test a temple has to undergo
What God and lord saint decide, let no man put aside...
It is God's will
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Elder Ling Diung Kwong |
In October 2011, Elder Ling spoke to some independent-minded mission members at Singapore. Elder Ling reminded that any temple must move forward as one. This applies to all temples and religious organisations, more so to any temple in the name of Lord Bo Tien. The lord saint reminds time and again that any temple named after him should be exemplary and be a model for other temples to follow.
It is best that there be one organisation and all activities be under the umbrella of that one organisation.
If the wings of that organisation grow big, it is still wise for all to be in one --- all in one and one in all. That is so and so be it.
Having to divorce and separate any wing, be it social, youth, mission or charitable as a separate body from the temple or organisation would be a mistake as this would be planting the seeds for future discord when errant groups take over the administratively separate organisations and do not see eye to eye and want to go separate ways but trapped in the same premises as they would be sharing the same premises.
How unfortunate this will be? The misfortune is all because men in their folly choose to bring apart what God and saints put together as one.
Whatever the social agenda that calls for the separation, the division would be in bad taste at least from the spiritual angle.
It is spiritually more correct for a temple or church to be the umbrella body for all activities such as welfare, youth or social activities. Together the temple or church will be more whole and the running of the temple or church will be more wholesome and holistic.
For example, in the case of any temple of Lord Bo Tien, the welfare thrust is one manifest aspect of the mission and motivated by the doctrine that Lord Bo Tien explains to us over the years.
The welfare front of a temple or church is like a part of the flower. In the lord's 1983 anniversary message. a flower, Lord Bo Tien said, is made up of various parts. Taken as a whole, it is beautiful but separated as parts, each part is not as appealing as the whole flower. Lord Bo Tien's 1983 Anniversary Message.
Separating the different fronts of a church or temple such as the welfare and pastor training fronts as separate entities from the church or temple will not be right and will violate the very wholesomeness and holistic oneness of purpose and direction of the temple or church, though this may in the short term give questionable freedom of expression and some administrative and social conveniences.
Men will somehow think they know allot and they will err as they are not perfect and God and saints know. If they do not, then there is no need for religion or a temple or church. There is need for men to learn, and a temple or church, like it or not, has to be the place for men to err and to learn. But they could err less if they heed more of the spiritual doctrine and advice of the elders. A temple or church is like the flower and blame not the flower if insects come to it for nectar. Lord Bo Tien referred to the parable of the flower and the insects in his 1984 anniversary message. Lord Bo Tien's 1984 Anniversary Message
Thus a temple or church is for all kinds of people and for them to learn. The better of the lot cannot be unaccommodating to those who are not as good as them. They should learn from the strengths and weakness of men and by doing so, they have better grasp of life. Life is the living doctrine.
This is referred to in 1974 message of Lord Bo Tien.
"A temple too will attract people of various characteristics, some good and some not so good. These will be contrasted for all in the group and be noticeable. Learn and absorb as much of the good points of others. Do also learn from the weaknesses and mistakes, so that these will not be repeated in their own lives." Lord Bo Tien's 1974 Anniversary Message
So elders who know better can learn more from the weakness of those who know less. Elders cannot say there is no place for those who know less but they can educate them so that what God and saints put together, let not men bring apart. Elders and those better in the know and practice of doctrine cannot expect only the more better of men in a temple but they should expect all kinds and levels of men as then a good mix will be more representative and reflective of yin and yang in society.
The emissary of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien at end of 1984 message "pointed out to the Taoist Octagon or Pakua, which showed two fish-like symbols the yin and the yang. Both must exist and if there was only one, then there will be no balance and peace. Man must seek the inner peace through balance of yin and yang. A temple or organisation must find balance in the yin and yang elements of people that constitute the temple. Only then will there be peace and harmony."
This adds further significance to the advice given in the parable of the flower and the ants in the same 1984 message. Without ants or insects in men, there would be no need for a temple and its mission. A temple or spiritual organisation needs to attract both yin and yang and this is as the case with all nature. Lord Bo Tien's 1984 Anniversary Message
God has put together different kinds of people in a temple or church. Whilst elders may decry why less doctrine motivated men want to separate the welfare or spiritual training school e.g. pastor training school as separate entities from a temple or church, they too should not exclude such men from the fold of the temple or church.
What God put together, let no man take apart. This is so true in more ways than one. This has to do with the yin and yang, the polar dualities of life that color nature and the universe. The ability to fathom and balance yin and yang is the way to sainthood but more importantly to a meaningful, peaceful and fruitful life here and now for the individual and for a temple or church, more so for Bo Tien mission-related temples as they have to be the role models to illustrate what Lord Bo Tien said in all his anniversary messages in the first 13 years.
What God put together, let no man bring apart. Have mastery over yin and yang and not try to have only some of the yin and yang and not all. This is just not possible.
The charity wing or pastoral training wing of a temple or church therefore must always remain integral part of the entity of the temple or church and not be hived off from the temple or church as separate organisation with distinct logo of its own.
This illustrates the point that men in a temple or church must not run a temple or church based on social pressures. They must be sturdy like the lone tree at the fringe by being rooted in subterrain water of doctrine. The lone tree may not be as socially attractive.
A spiritually driven temple or church may not attract the seasonal festive crowd but it is doctrine and mission driven and it will certainly last longer. It will not fade away like the society-driven temple when the good times are no longer around and the social lure of the festivity loses its appeal in bad times.
Thus let us remember always that what God put together in a temple or church be it different kinds of people or the various fronts and functions must be part of the temple and not exist as separate independent entities with their individual logos and own distinct management committees.
The only way to insure against losing oneness of a temple is for the temple to be spiritually motivated and grounded in divine doctrine and purpose.
From the foregoing, we can thus appreciate Elder Ling's insistence that any temple must move forward as one. This applies to all temples and religious organisations, more so to any temple in the name of Lord Bo Tien. The lord saint reminds time and again that any temple named after him should be exemplary and be a model for other temples to follow. That is so and so be it.
What God put together, let no man take apart
Related postsFor example, in the case of any temple of Lord Bo Tien, the welfare thrust is one manifest aspect of the mission and motivated by the doctrine that Lord Bo Tien explains to us over the years.
The welfare front of a temple or church is like a part of the flower. In the lord's 1983 anniversary message. a flower, Lord Bo Tien said, is made up of various parts. Taken as a whole, it is beautiful but separated as parts, each part is not as appealing as the whole flower. Lord Bo Tien's 1983 Anniversary Message.
Separating the different fronts of a church or temple such as the welfare and pastor training fronts as separate entities from the church or temple will not be right and will violate the very wholesomeness and holistic oneness of purpose and direction of the temple or church, though this may in the short term give questionable freedom of expression and some administrative and social conveniences.
Men will somehow think they know allot and they will err as they are not perfect and God and saints know. If they do not, then there is no need for religion or a temple or church. There is need for men to learn, and a temple or church, like it or not, has to be the place for men to err and to learn. But they could err less if they heed more of the spiritual doctrine and advice of the elders. A temple or church is like the flower and blame not the flower if insects come to it for nectar. Lord Bo Tien referred to the parable of the flower and the insects in his 1984 anniversary message. Lord Bo Tien's 1984 Anniversary Message
The preceding year message in 1983 states thus,
"Human beings however beautiful or good as a people is like any creation of
nature such as the flower. The flower is good and beautiful but as it is part of
nature, it is not perfect and wholesome. It will wither. Also it is made of
parts which on their own are not beautiful and far from wholesome or desirable.
The doctrine is divine, pure and wholesome. This do not imply that the members
must be pure and wholesome to be entitled to learn the doctrine."
Thus a temple or church is for all kinds of people and for them to learn. The better of the lot cannot be unaccommodating to those who are not as good as them. They should learn from the strengths and weakness of men and by doing so, they have better grasp of life. Life is the living doctrine.
This is referred to in 1974 message of Lord Bo Tien.
"A temple too will attract people of various characteristics, some good and some not so good. These will be contrasted for all in the group and be noticeable. Learn and absorb as much of the good points of others. Do also learn from the weaknesses and mistakes, so that these will not be repeated in their own lives." Lord Bo Tien's 1974 Anniversary Message
So elders who know better can learn more from the weakness of those who know less. Elders cannot say there is no place for those who know less but they can educate them so that what God and saints put together, let not men bring apart. Elders and those better in the know and practice of doctrine cannot expect only the more better of men in a temple but they should expect all kinds and levels of men as then a good mix will be more representative and reflective of yin and yang in society.
The emissary of the lord saint Lord Bo Tien at end of 1984 message "pointed out to the Taoist Octagon or Pakua, which showed two fish-like symbols the yin and the yang. Both must exist and if there was only one, then there will be no balance and peace. Man must seek the inner peace through balance of yin and yang. A temple or organisation must find balance in the yin and yang elements of people that constitute the temple. Only then will there be peace and harmony."
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Ba Gua |
This adds further significance to the advice given in the parable of the flower and the ants in the same 1984 message. Without ants or insects in men, there would be no need for a temple and its mission. A temple or spiritual organisation needs to attract both yin and yang and this is as the case with all nature. Lord Bo Tien's 1984 Anniversary Message
God has put together different kinds of people in a temple or church. Whilst elders may decry why less doctrine motivated men want to separate the welfare or spiritual training school e.g. pastor training school as separate entities from a temple or church, they too should not exclude such men from the fold of the temple or church.
What God put together, let no man take apart. This is so true in more ways than one. This has to do with the yin and yang, the polar dualities of life that color nature and the universe. The ability to fathom and balance yin and yang is the way to sainthood but more importantly to a meaningful, peaceful and fruitful life here and now for the individual and for a temple or church, more so for Bo Tien mission-related temples as they have to be the role models to illustrate what Lord Bo Tien said in all his anniversary messages in the first 13 years.
What God put together, let no man bring apart. Have mastery over yin and yang and not try to have only some of the yin and yang and not all. This is just not possible.
At this juncture, it is poignant to recall that in 1976, Lord Bo Tien also reiterated on need for oneness of a temple and of people by alluding to a temple as like a concrete pillar.
A concrete pillar must be made up of various components, each of which cannot stand on its own. What God put together in a temple or church be it different kinds of people or the various fronts and functions must be part of the temple and not exist as separate independent entities with their logos and own distinct management committees. Lord Bo Tien's 1976 Anniversary Message
A concrete pillar must be made up of various components, each of which cannot stand on its own. What God put together in a temple or church be it different kinds of people or the various fronts and functions must be part of the temple and not exist as separate independent entities with their logos and own distinct management committees. Lord Bo Tien's 1976 Anniversary Message
The charity wing or pastoral training wing of a temple or church therefore must always remain integral part of the entity of the temple or church and not be hived off from the temple or church as separate organisation with distinct logo of its own.
When the unthinkable happens, what went wrong and where is the fault. Dear readers, the answer is simple. It is because men of the temple or church are not rooted in spiritual doctrinal grounding. In 1979 and 1980 messages by Lord Bo Tien, he related the parable of the lone tree at the fringe surviving better in bad times of sheer drought than those more trees at the orchard despite being tendered to by farmers. This is all because it is rooted in subterrain water. Lord Bo Tien's 1980 Anniversary
This illustrates the point that men in a temple or church must not run a temple or church based on social pressures. They must be sturdy like the lone tree at the fringe by being rooted in subterrain water of doctrine. The lone tree may not be as socially attractive.
A spiritually driven temple or church may not attract the seasonal festive crowd but it is doctrine and mission driven and it will certainly last longer. It will not fade away like the society-driven temple when the good times are no longer around and the social lure of the festivity loses its appeal in bad times.
Thus let us remember always that what God put together in a temple or church be it different kinds of people or the various fronts and functions must be part of the temple and not exist as separate independent entities with their individual logos and own distinct management committees.
The only way to insure against losing oneness of a temple is for the temple to be spiritually motivated and grounded in divine doctrine and purpose.
From the foregoing, we can thus appreciate Elder Ling's insistence that any temple must move forward as one. This applies to all temples and religious organisations, more so to any temple in the name of Lord Bo Tien. The lord saint reminds time and again that any temple named after him should be exemplary and be a model for other temples to follow. That is so and so be it.
What God put together, let no man take apart
The divine test a temple has to undergo
What God and lord saint decide, let no man put aside...
It is God's will
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Remembering Sam Sim
Mission History and News No 10
Sam had done his part in transforming the wooden structure of a temple at 11 and 3/4 ms - 407A Woodlands Road Singapore
to this concrete premise at No 6 Fourth Chin Bee Road
Sam had done his part in transforming the wooden structure of a temple at 11 and 3/4 ms - 407A Woodlands Road Singapore
to this concrete premise at No 6 Fourth Chin Bee Road
Inner truth netizen 2 remembers one gentleman by name of Sam Sim who was acquainted with another devout follower by name of Lionel. Both are near and dear to Lord Bo Tien and also close aquaintences of the late Senior Bro P. Philip and Elder Ling Diung Kwong age 76+ in 2012.
Sam played important part in the years that led to the building of the Singapore mission-related temple at No 6th Fourth Chin Bee Road at Jurong. He was pivotal as resource person who provided the resource information and took active part that helped the temple to upgrade from temporary premises at 407A Woodlands Road to 3 storey concrete temple with basement car park and roof top balcony at Jurong.
But as what Lord Bo Tien had said that there is often an element of fate which cannot be ignored and which at times even the saints may not be able to intervene significantly though saints could moderate and a big issue may end up lesser of an issue even if they cannot be no issue. This element of fate affects everyone even good people.
But Heaven is graceful to facilitate his good and wholesome contribution towards the purchase and building of new premises. He was even able to have the good fortune to see the fruition and growth of the temple though this was finite because of the element of fate.
He was the manager of a town council in Singapore but he was always unassuming, humble, approachable and an asset to society, more so to the mission of the lord. We are sure that he is still who he is and an asset to others in many ways.
The lord saint, Lord Bo Tien reiterated that a temple is the people and not the building. It is people that make up a temple. Sam Sim is and will ever continue to be one of the people that make up the temple and the mission.
It is people like Sam who will make the difference and make a temple what the temple should be. He is ever a background man and that is him but when the calling came some years ago, he answered the call admirably and that is what matters. The lord saint knows and we should know as well.
It is people like Sam who will make the difference and make a temple what the temple should be. He is ever a background man and that is him but when the calling came some years ago, he answered the call admirably and that is what matters. The lord saint knows and we should know as well.
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